We do not list all of our available greyhounds on our website. This page includes a rotating sample of just a few of our available greyhounds. We do not guarantee that these dogs will still be available for adoption. If you are interested in any of our greyhounds, visit our ADOPTION INFO/APPLICATION page to begin the application process. We are always in need of foster homes. If you are interested in fostering a greyhound, contact Susan Bilsky by email or call 800-398-4DOG for more information. BLONDIE Female 3 years old Meet Miss Blondie 🤍 She’s a petite gal at 54lb and will be 3 in February. Blondie is energetic and inquisitive. Loving and cuddly. She would do well with a sibling hound. She’s a beauty who would make a great pet for a loving family. Let’s get her a home for the holidays! (not cat tested as of yet)
He’s well-mannered around furniture, choosing his comfy pillow over couches or chairs, and while he’s capable of tackling stairs, he typically opts out. Nico is fascinated by the little critters in the neighborhood, so he’s likely not suited for a home with cats or small dogs.
Nico gets along wonderfully with his greyhound foster brother, but would also thrive as the center of attention in a single-dog home. A curious and loyal "velcro dog," he’ll follow you from room to room, ensuring he’s always in on the action. Nico’s affectionate personality and quirky habits make him an irresistible addition to any loving home!
According to my foster mom, I’m doing Greyt! I mastered the doggie door in no time, and those three steps to the backyard? Piece of cake. I’m mostly found lounging on the dog beds, and I walk like a pro on the lead.
My foster brother Piper is showing me the ropes of playtime. Those squeaky toys are… intriguing. I haven’t quite cracked the code on them, but I’ll figure it out soon enough!
Living with my foster family is a treat (literally). No fussing or grumbling over snacks here—we’re all sharers!
Overall, I’m loving this house life—plenty of pets and sweet words of encouragement to go around. My 2 Galgo mates and Basenji lass are showing me the ropes!
I love going on walks, I love being petted, I sleep by myself near my foster Dad on a doggie bed and get this… I know how to use a doggie door! I’ve never had any potty accidents and I really like to talk- I’m funny that way.
I’m only 3 years old but I’m pretty chill, I like being in the car and I love going on errands! I think I would like to be with another dog in the house but I’m good alone too. (No cats though- they’re too scary!)
Wanna meet me? I would love to meet you and be your forever pup!
I know how to wait by the back door to go outside and I haven’t had any accidents in the house! I am still learning flights of stairs but I can go up and down a few steps.
I like to lie on the couch and be petted all the time! If you stop petting me, don’t worry, I’ll remind you to keep going with my gentle paw.
I will hang out in a crate if I have to. I am a fast walker with pep in my step but with proper training I can learn your pace. I love to play with toys and sometimes even sleep with them.
I love to meet new people and get petted by them. I do well when I am in my crate and would love to have a forever home!